Basic Anatomy & Physiology Installment


When you have a thorough understanding of human anatomy and physiology, you’ll be able to:

  • work more accurately by integrating your knowledge of the energy body and the physical body
  • communicate clearly with your clients and healthcare professionals
  • understand medical diagnoses and help your clients do so as well

All of the above improves your proficiency as a complementary healthcare practitioner. You’ll be able to help your clients better.


When you have a thorough understanding of human anatomy and physiology, you’ll be able to:

  • work more accurately by integrating your knowledge of the energy body and the physical body
  • communicate clearly with your clients and healthcare professionals
  • understand medical diagnoses and help your clients do so as well

All of the above improves your proficiency as a complementary healthcare practitioner. You’ll be able to help your clients better.

Human anatomy and physiology is the study of the internal and external structures of the body, the relationships between all body parts and the proper functioning of the human body and its organ systems. When you know where a specific organ or structure is to be found in the body (this is anatomy) and how it functions in relation to the whole system (this is physiology), it’s easier to treat its energetic counterpart and understand the relation to the chakras.

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